23028 QSO in the log F8BFU
DXCC entities : 273 worked / 257 confirmed


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2079 visitors
since 04/02/2020

Last update :
log F8BFU - 11/09/24

Just click on a QSL to see or hide it !

1A0KM - Sovereign Military Order of Malta

2V0VDS - England

3A2LF - Monaco

3B6RF - Agalega & St. Brandon Is.

3B7C - Agalega & St. Brandon Is.

3B7C - Agalega & St. Brandon Is.

3B8/F6HMJ - Mauritius

3B8CF - Mauritius

3B8MM - Mauritius

3B8MM - Mauritius

3B9/ON4LAC - Rodrigues I.

3B9C - Rodrigues I.

3B9FR - Rodrigues I.

3B9FR - Rodrigues I.

3B9FR - Rodrigues I.

3B9FR - Rodrigues I.
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F8BFU at hotmail.com F8BFU - PORDIC (22) - Locator IN88oo
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